Bride and Groom

Bride and Groom
Future Mr. and Mrs. Mays

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is this really happening?!?

Well, it is April 26th. 2 Days after I have officially become engaged. Here's our proposal story.

We were going hiking for our anniversary on the Peaks of Otter, well before we left the house I told Travis we needed to pack some sandwiches for our trip. See, he had apparently never hiked the Peaks before, and although I had, it had been a while. Hiking the peaks is not something you do if you are overweight and out of shape, it is seriously a climb.
Seriously - 1.5 miles with an elevation of 3,875!

 So we packed sandwiches and water for when we got to the top. Started off great, Travis was acting kinda weird about his backpack, but I didn't really notice, I guess I was trying to mentally prepare for this hike. Here we are before we start our journey.

So we are walking up the mountain and I am trying to get to the top. We pass a few gentleman on the way, one who gave me his walking stick to use as I continued to pant slowly up the mountain, asking him as we passed going opposite ways, how much longer.

Seriously, I am so close to the top and I know the views are beautiful, but I am just tired. My asthma and the cold wind are just getting my nerves and if I see one more stepping stone or rocks set up like stairs I think I am going to cry. My motto, "We are almost there baby", saying this to Travis so I seem smart, but really just trying to keep motivated. Eventually he asks me how many times I'm going to tell him we are almost there.... I tell him enough, or at least until we get there. :-)  We get to the top and the view is just absolutely perfect, there is a lake and trees and fields, just every where you turn there is something to see.
The view is beautiful!

We eat our peanut butter sandwiches and a few Doritos ( I love the Cooler Ranch ones) and relax.

Mmmmm Doritos

 It is just amazing. I go to pull out the video camera, because we can no longer fit any more pictures on the actual camera (could be because we took pictures of everything), and just record the view. It was breathtaking. As I am recording the view, Travis turns to me and says It is April 24th 2012, it's our three year anniversary and I am here with the most beautiful and intelligent woman I know, and I am the happiest I have ever been.

Insert inside joke here ~ earlier that week when we discussed hiking the mountain I told him I had a dream that the only reason he would want to go to the Peaks was to throw me off ~ Travis then declares that it really does sound like we are getting ready to jump to our doom.

He then proceeds to tell me that he has brought me up to the mountain for a reason, other than to kill me, and gets down on one knee, shows me the most beautiful ring, I have ever seen, and asks me to marry him. I am still in shock, but of course I said yes and here we are two days later ~ I'm getting married. Actually we are getting married and I couldn't be happier!

It's so pretty!

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